How to Join
To become a member of Corvette Annapolis you must be at least 18 years of age, own a Chevrolet Corvette, and attend two (2) monthly meetings and/or events, and complete a membership application for both Corvette Annapolis and the National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC).
Return both the completed Club and NCCC applications to the Club VP:
Hand-deliver at a meeting or event, OR email to: wooav8tor@verizon.net
Provide first year dues for both Club and NCCC (one payment total) to the Club Treasurer:
By Zelle to mmemond54@yahoo.com (preferred), OR check payable to Corvette Annapolis - hand-deliver at a meeting or event, OR mail to Marianne Emond, CA Treasurer, 402 Paradise Road, Riva, MD 21140-1213.
Corvette Annapolis welcomes all Corvette owners to our Corvette club and encourages you to take advantage of our monthly meetings, social gatherings, competitive events, and more. We have been serving Corvette enthusiasts in the Annapolis area since 1991, so join us at the next meeting to learn how you can get in on the fun.
NCCC Membership
As part of your membership in Corvette Annapolis , you will also become a member of the National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC). Your NCCC membership will provide you with an NCCC patch, an NCCC window decal, and a subscription to “Blue Bars” magazine, which is published every other month by NCCC. For a complete list of NCCC benefits, visit corvettesnccc.org.
Corvette Annapolis meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm. Meetings are held at local establishments. Please check our calendar to be sure.
To maintain your membership in Corvette Annapolis you must renew your dues annually and attend at least two (2) Club events including one (1) Club sponsored NCCC event in a calendar year. Corvette Annapolis generally offers a variety of Club events as well as several NCCC events each year.
If you are interested in joining Corvette Annapolis, you may contact our Vice President for additional information. Prospective members are encouraged to attend a meeting in order to register.
So if you want to enjoy your Corvette, establish new friendships, and have FUN, Corvette ANNAPOLIS is for you!
New Membership
*There is a late fee of $10.00 for NCCC dues if your renewal payment is received after November 30th.